Things You Need To Know About Nose Surgery For Men

If you are considering changing the shape of your nose, a surgical procedure is one of the best options. So, do not fret over the nose you have already inherited and take fast action to change its shape through a surgery. While the reduction process makes your nose smaller, the augmentation process makes it bigger. Based on the circumstances, your doctor is to decide which procedure is suitable in your case. However, it is good to know that the nose surgery is one of the most complicated procedures, so make sure you choose a trained surgeon to make the procedure perfect.

Recovery and surgeon

If you are worried about the long recovery time after a nose surgery for men [เสริม จมูก ชาย, which is the term in Thai], you may find it useful to know that you may require a few days of hospitalization immediately after the procedure. Even when you go home, you are likely to carry the splints and dressings for about seven to ten days. What may out you off initially, are the bruises you notice after the dressing is removed from the nose but do not worry as they will fade in about two to three weeks of time and you need to return to work with ease. However, the nose may get its original shape only after a few months or a year.

Choosing the surgeon

One of the most important aspects you need to consider during a nose surgery is choosing the right surgeon. Try to find out whether the doctor is trained and qualified to carry out the surgery. Part from this, you must feel comfortable while discuss in your queries and concerns with the physician. Moreover, the doctor must have adequate experience of conducting a few nose surgeries in men to make the patient feel confident. So, talk to the surgeon today and move ahead with the procedure of correcting the nose.

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